Livebook: Getting Started
What is Livebook?
The easiest way to explain Livebook is to say it’s Jupyter notebook for Elixir.
Another way? What if Word and Excel had a baby?
- combine text
- and formula (or code)
- see the results
- in a cohesive document
Why Livebook?
As an Elixir developer, I didn’t really understand where Livebook was supposed to fit. After all, I already knew how to start a new project, or launch iex (Elixir’s REPL).
What I found:
- it’s so easy to get started – more below – for small to medium experiments
(as far as The Advent of Code, if you wanted – watch José Valim attempt 2021’s) - it’s more approachable for your colleagues – especially the less technical ones
(comparable to Excel, if they feel comfortable with that)
Maybe it fits a middle ground between throw-away script and new GitHub project 🤔
Last, but not least, with syntax coloring, code completion, and code formatting, it’s a surprisingly good coding environment:
Let’s get you started.
How to Install?
- google: livebook
- click on the first page
- click “Install Livebook”
- download the app
- install like any other app
What did you just install?
- a very recent version of Erlang and Elixir
- Livebook, the “app”
Livebook runs in your browser – but the supporting code is what you installed.
There are other ways to install, but I wouldn’t recommend them unless you have very specific needs.
How NOT to Run Livebook…
Of course, you COULD just double-click the Livebook icon. Personally, I found that confusing (especially when I was getting started)
What is all this? How do I start to code?
(let’s come back to this page later)
How to Run Livebook: What I Recommend Instead
If you have some Livebook files already:
- open that folder
- double-click a Livebook file
If you don’t have Livebook files ready to go: know that an empty file is a completely valid Livebook file! 😄
> touch first.livebook
> open first.livebook # open, on macos, is like double-clicking...
Starting from a file has a few advantages:
- less magic: you know where you files are
- Livebook starts in the right directory – no need to navigate your file system from the browser…
- your file will start to autosave as you modify it
What Now?
To get an idea, you can watch the “Announcing Livebook” video
Another perspective is the one I linked above, solving Advent of Code with Elixir:
Where’s the Documentation?
When I started out, I was really confused: where’s the documentation?!
The Livebook website feels like a sales pitch … no documentation? 🤔
Fortunately (or unfortunately), the Livebook documentation is found … inside Livebook. (and if it’s somewhere else, I haven’t found it)
Let’s loop back to what you see if you just open Livebook (without a file).
If you click “Learn” on the left, or “LEARN – see all >” in the middle, you will end up on this page:
If you click on one of the cards, it will open a Livebook to explain some aspect of Livebook (insert Inception reference)
I strongly recommend the one called “Welcome to Livebook” (click the blue button, seen in the screenshot above). That Livebook does a good job getting you to 80-90% of what you need to know.
Using Livebook is a real pleasure, and I regret waiting so long to install and play with it.
Even using it a little bit allows you to really “get it”.
Whether this is your way to get started with Elixir, or you’re a veteran, Livebook has something to offer 🔥
(if not, it’s also easy to uninstall 😜)