Using recon_trace with Elixir

April 1, 2024

(2025-02-16 update: How to get Elixir logging with recon_trace)

This year, I finally got around to learn recon_trace.

With this post, I intend to make your journey smoother and faster than mine.

What is recon_trace?

In my own words:

recon_trace allows you to attach an IO.inspect to any module/function in a running BEAM, without crashing it

Directly from the documentation:

recon_trace is a module that handles tracing in a safe manner for single Erlang nodes, currently for function calls only.

Why do I need recon_trace?

Is your production system behaving funny? Don’t you wish you had just a bit more logging in a certain module?

With recon_trace, you can:

And while you can’t attach or log inside functions, it’s a great alternative to having nothing.

Installing recon

recon_trace is part of recon. It’s an hex package, so you already know what to do.

Something to keep in mind: adding recon to your project is “free”, because it doesn’t run anything by default. It will sit there, waiting for you to call it when you need it.

A recon_trace cheat sheet

This is the template I use to get started:

  {Module, :function, :return_trace}
|> :recon_trace.calls({100, 1000}, scope: :local)

And to turn off tracing:


What makes recon_trace.calls complicated to explain is that each argument is overloaded.

Let’s take each argument, in reverse order: simplest to explain first.

The 3rd argument: options

Straightforward: check options to see everything that’s available.

Buried in there, scope: :local which allows you to trace private functions. That’s useful, so I use it by default.

The 2nd argument: “max”

It’s either a number: n

only log `n` times

Or a rate: {n, m}

only log `n` times per `m` milliseconds

I find the rate to be more flexible, so that’s what I use by default. It keeps logging until I turn it off (or it goes above the rate limit).

The 1st argument: a “spec”

This is something like an MFA.

recon_trace will prevent you from doing something crazy like {:_, :_, :_}, which would log everything. This is what makes recon_trace safe.

For a default, I use :return_trace until I need something more specific. It’s a shortcut to log both the function call with its arguments and the return value.

Note: :return_trace will log twice, and counts as +2 towards your max.

An Example

[{Enum, :sort, :return_trace}]
|> :recon_trace.calls(10, scope: :local)


recon_trace demo (click to enlarge)

1 start iex for the “live” node

iex --sname demo -S mix

2 remote shell into it

iex --remsh demo

3 setup tracing

[{Enum, :sort, :return_trace}] |> :recon_trace.calls(10, scope: :local)

What is that number 2 that’s returned? That’s the number of functions that matched and are being traced. 0 usually means you did something wrong, while other numbers might help in deciding whether you hit what you were targeting.

4 trigger the relevant module/function

1..10 |> Enum.shuffle() |> Enum.sort(:desc)

5 observe 2 traces: the invocation and the return value

Going Further

Though I’ve spent some time with :recon_trace, I don’t have all the answers.

Here are some resources to keep going:

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