How to get Elixir logging with recon_trace

February 16, 2025

Previously, in Using recon_trace with Elixir, I had laid out a foundation for using :recon_trace specifically with Elixir.

Since then, I decided to spend some time and “fix” the logging so I wouldn’t have to eyeball-decipher Erlang-flavored dumps.

The problem

Imagine a very simple Pet module

defmodule Pet do
  defstruct [:name, :age, :type]

  def just_cats(pets) do
    |> Enum.filter(&(&1.type == "cat"))

Set up your :recon_trace

  {Pet, :just_cats, :return_trace}
|> :recon_trace.calls({100, 1000}, scope: :local)

and trigger it

# parenthesis-wrap and :ok return to simplify iex output...
    %Pet{name: "Mittens", age: 4, type: "cat"},
    %Pet{name: "Oreo", age: 2, type: "cat"},
    %Pet{name: "Rocky", age: 5, type: "dog"}
  |> Pet.just_cats()

here’s a sample output

15:20:49.473527 <0.261.0> 'Elixir.Pet':just_cats([#{name => <<"Mittens">>,type => <<"cat">>,'__struct__' => 'Elixir.Pet',
   age => 4},
 #{name => <<"Oreo">>,type => <<"cat">>,'__struct__' => 'Elixir.Pet',age => 2},
 #{name => <<"Rocky">>,type => <<"dog">>,'__struct__' => 'Elixir.Pet',
   age => 5}])

15:20:49.473865 <0.261.0> 'Elixir.Pet':just_cats/1 --> [#{name => <<"Mittens">>,type => <<"cat">>,'__struct__' => 'Elixir.Pet',
   age => 4},
 #{name => <<"Oreo">>,type => <<"cat">>,'__struct__' => 'Elixir.Pet',
   age => 2}]

This is workable … but messy-looking. 🤔

The solution

Let’s write a formatter function

require Logger
formatter = fn trace_payload ->
  [:trace, _pid | rest] = trace_payload |> Tuple.to_list()
  |> inspect()
  |> Logger.debug()

(It took me a while to get a formatter that I was happy with, and I’ll dig deeper in the next section.)

Hook up your formatter during the :recon_trace setup

  {Pet, :just_cats, :return_trace}
|> :recon_trace.calls({100, 1000}, scope: :local, formatter: formatter)

Trigger it (same as above). Here’s the output now

15:35:04.920 [debug] [:call, {Pet, :just_cats, [[%Pet{name: "Mittens", age: 4, type: "cat"}, %Pet{name: "Oreo", age: 2, type: "cat"}, %Pet{name: "Rocky", age: 5, type: "dog"}]]}]

15:35:04.920 [debug] [:return_from, {Pet, :just_cats, 1}, [%Pet{name: "Mittens", age: 4, type: "cat"}, %Pet{name: "Oreo", age: 2, type: "cat"}]]

The more structs and strings you have, the more you will benefit for Elixir-aware inspect().


Digging into recon’s code, the default formatter is quite something

code for default formatter

It stands at 80 lines, without counting its helpers. Long-story short:

extract_info(TraceMsg) ->
    case tuple_to_list(TraceMsg) of
        [trace_ts, Pid, Type | Info] ->
            {TraceInfo, [Timestamp]} = lists:split(length(Info)-1, Info),
            {Type, Pid, to_hms(Timestamp), TraceInfo};
        [trace, Pid, Type | TraceInfo] ->
            {Type, Pid, to_hms(os:timestamp()), TraceInfo}

Revisiting my formatter

require Logger
formatter = fn trace_payload ->
  [:trace, _pid | rest] = trace_payload |> Tuple.to_list()
  |> inspect()
  |> Logger.debug()


Now that you are fully in charge of HOW things are logged, you could ALSO be in charge of WHAT gets logged.

If you feel like pulling things apart and adding conditionals and filters, you can absolutely do that.

But keep in mind that you’re paying-as-you-go, possibly on a production system. If you are going to do something costly, you might end up hurting yourself. So, PLEASE use responsibly.

There are, after all, many ways to set more conservative filters during the :recon_trace initialization. Refer to the documentation as needed.

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