Awk Tutorial, part 3
I already mentioned why you should learn AWK.
In part 1, we laid a solid foundation.
In part 2, we covered most of what you would ever need.
Let’s cover what’s left.
Input Separators
How does AWK decide what a “column” is and isn’t?
AWK “trims” the line and separates on adjacent whitespace: \s+
as a regex.
That’s usually what you want, but you can specify what you need with the -F
$ cat netflix.csv | awk -F, '{print $5}' # split columns on commas
# snip
(source file: netflix.csv)
In reality, the -F
option takes a regular expression:
$ cat netflix.csv | awk -F'[,-]' '{print $3, "--", $0}'
High -- Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close
24 -- 2016-03-24,98.639999,98.849998,97.07,98.360001,10646900,98.360001
23 -- 2016-03-23,99.75,100.389999,98.809998,99.589996,8292300,99.589996
22 -- 2016-03-22,100.480003,101.519997,99.199997,99.839996,9039500,99.839996
21 -- 2016-03-21,101.150002,102.099998,99.50,101.059998,9562900,101.059998
18 -- 2016-03-18,100.50,102.410004,100.010002,101.120003,15437300,101.120003
# snip
It separated on commas or hyphens, and picked the 3rd column (the day). This can be a useful approach to extract subfields.
Output Separators
When you use a comma (,
) in a print statement, that means “space”, right?
By default, it does. But that’s configurable:
$ cat netflix.tsv | awk '{print $1, $6}' # default: space
Date Volume
2016-03-24 10646900
2016-03-23 8292300
2016-03-22 9039500
2016-03-21 9562900
2016-03-18 15437300
# snip
$ cat netflix.tsv | awk 'BEGIN {OFS=","} {print $1, $6}' # custom: comma
The OFS (Output Field Separator) variable controls what goes between each field. I don’t use it very much; I usually format the output explicitly. But it’s sometimes useful, and it’s good to know.
Passing in Variables
As in the previous example, you could decide to initialize variables in the
block. But that’s not always possible – the BEGIN
block lives inside
the single-quotes which severely limits what you can do.
What if you want to pass in variables, maybe from a shell script?
$ cat netflix.tsv | awk -v col=6 '{print $col}' # instead of hardcoding $6
# snip
The -v
(mnemonic “var”) option allows you to set variable from outside the
script, a convenient place where shell variables and substitutions are
available. We revisit the OFS
variable from above, in the way I would prefer
to set it:
$ cat netflix.tsv | awk -v OFS=, '{print $1, $6}'
# snip
Imagine a programming language without arrays or dictionaries. That’s how we’ve been using AWK up until now. But everything truly clever you can do with AWK (or any programming language) probably requires arrays.
AWK arrays are very similar to JavaScript arrays: they can serve both as “regular” arrays (with number keys) or as dictionaries (with string keys).
How would we SUM(volume) GROUP BY year
# warning -- scroll right...
$ cat netflix.csv | awk -F'[,-]' '{volume[$1] += $8} END { for(year in volume) print year, volume[year]}'
2009 2904000400
Date 0
2010 7126840000
2002 782530000
2011 11185849500
2003 4256021000
# snip
- split columns on commas or hyphens
- accumulate volume ($8) in a dictionary, using the year ($1) as key
- volume is a variable that gets created as a dictionary, because we use it as a dictionary – this was discussed in part 2
- at the END, print each year and volume sum
When working with arrays, this pattern of “accumulation” and “reporting” at the END is commonplace. But there are some problems with the output, and they highlight interesting points:
- the output isn’t sorted, the for-loop makes no guarantee over the order of the keys
(that can be fixed with a trailing
sort -n
) - the header was considered as a key, “Date”, and accumulated 0
(that can be fixed by removing the first line before AWK (sed 1d
) or by using
NR > 1
before the accumulator block)
Longer Scripts
I’ve been selling AWK as a language optimized for one-liners, but it’s possible to reach unpleasant extremes. The last example wasn’t too complicated, but it was long. It could be made more readable.
It’s possible to package multiple lines of AWK in a bash script:
cat "$@" | awk -F'[,-]' '
{volume[$1] += $8}
for(year in volume) {
print year, volume[year]
- there’s a shebang line, it’s a bash script on the outside
cat "$@"
is a passthrough: if you feed a filename to the script, it will be used. If you don’t, an emptycat
won’t hurt.
(it allows you to callSCRIPTNAME file
orcat file | SCRIPTNAME
)- notice the trailing single-quote on the AWK line, that’s where your script begins
- you can use multiple lines within the single-quotes
- use your own good taste to format the code
- notice the single-quote at the end, that’s a good place to put a pipe (if you need it)
Now you can combine the best of bash scripting, with the power of AWK – all in a very portable package.
Taking inventory: what can you do?
Everything I can.
Specifically, you have:
- more flexible ways to parse inputs with
- more convenient ways to print outputs with
- ultimate programming power: arrays!
- a nice way to package your logic in a bash script
Try to:
- calculate the average closing price, grouped per year
- calculate the max closing price, grouped per month
- calculate the median volume, in 2015 – you might need this
Answers are here.
What’s next?
As a conclusion: my best AWK tricks.
At this point, I hope they won’t be a list of opaque incantations.
You will be able to see what and how it’s done.